Veneers for Chipped Teeth: Procedure, Cost & Aftercare

Whether your teeth are chipped or cracked, they impact your smile like none other. You may even have a tooth or teeth that don’t respond to whitening treatments, whether at the dentist’s office or using at-home remedies. You continue raising your palms every time you smile, fearing everyone around you will notice the imperfections with your teeth.

Veneers for Chipped Teeth: Procedure, Cost & Aftercare

Instead of enduring the imperfections, wouldn’t it be beneficial if you merely researched veneers to find a solution for your teeth? You undoubtedly will realize how easy it is to enhance your smile by having these artificial placements on your teeth. When you visit the facility, you see how many people like you have improved their smiles using veneers on their top-front eight teeth.

It would be best if you were realistic about your expectations without trying to mimic somebody else’s smile. Veneers can enhance the appearance of your smile to make you look better. However, if you intend to have someone else’s smile, you may fail in achieving your goal but may instead waste money on the cost of veneers, which is substantial.

How Do Veneers Work?

Traditional veneers are wafer-thin layers of porcelain permanently bonded to the front teeth to hide their natural color, shape, or positioning. You can have surfaces on just one tooth or the entire front eight teeth in your top jaw. You can inquire with the veneer’s clinic in your area whether they provide full or partial veneers covering partially or your entire tooth.

Dental veneers require a substantial investment, especially if you prefer the porcelain variety. You may spend approximately $ 2000 per tooth for the traditional variety. However, if you have budgetary restraints, you can consider composite resin veneers or alternatives available for affordable prices.

Veneers function by hiding your teeth’ imperfections after the thin surfaces are bonded onto your prepared tooth. The tooth preparation process for traditional surfaces is irreversible as the dentist removes about half a millimeter of enamel from your teeth to accommodate the veneer. However, the placement ensures you have a beautiful smile for over a decade if you care for the arrangements appropriately.

Are You a Candidate for Traditional Veneers?

If you are in good dental health and have healthy gum tissue, you can consider yourself a suitable candidate for dental veneers. When you your cosmetic dentist, the dentist examines your teeth to determine whether you have any infections or conditions affecting you. The cosmetic dentist will discuss your needs before explaining the veneer process. Temporary veneers are also created for you during the appointment. The recipient’s teeth are prepared for the placements, and temporary veneers are bonded to them for protection until a dental laboratory makes your customized placements. After about three weeks, you return to the dentist to have the customized veneers bonded to your teeth. At this time, the dentist permanently removes the temporary placements to replace them with personalized surfaces on your teeth. You are ready with your new smile soon after the customized placements are put on your teeth. However, it would help if you cared for them appropriately, failing which you can damage the placements needing replacements at exorbitant prices.

How Long do Veneers Last?

Traditional veneers can last you for over a decade, making them a semi-permanent solution for enhancing your smile. If you prefer alternatives, you may save a considerable sum of money but need replacements every five years. Furthermore, the other options don’t save you a substantial sum because the price difference is reasonable. Therefore, you must decide whether you can repeatedly invest in veneers or want to have a solution last thing you for over a decade.

Caring for the Placements

After investing thousands of dollars in enhancing your smile, it would be a gross injustice if you didn’t care for them as recommended by the dentist. You don’t need to indulge in any special care for the placements. However, it will be an excellent idea to brush twice daily, floss at least once, and visit your dentist every six months for cleanings and exams.

Dental veneers are prone to chipping or breaking. The dentist advises the foods you must limit and the habits you must avoid. You mustn’t consider eating hard foods with your front teeth because they can chip and de-bond the placements requiring expensive treatments from the cosmetic dental clinic. Remember, dentists aren’t asking you to forgo everything you love but merely recommending you limit some foods and stop certain habits that are detrimental to your veneers. Adhere to the dentist’s advice to continue smiling for the lifespan of the dental veneers.

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