8 Frequently Asked Questions About Dentures

Dentures might be the oldest teeth replacement option, but there is still a lot that people still need to learn about them. Many associate them with incompetence and discomfort, but that’s not the case. This blog will answer the most common questions about the procedure to help you make an informed decision.

What Are the Types of Dentures?

Frequently Asked Questions About Dentures

Typically, there are two major types of dentures, complete and partial. Partial dentures are used by people missing one or more teeth but still have enough teeth to hold dentures. On the other hand, complete dentures are used by people missing all teeth.

There are several types of removable partial dentures, and your dentist will help you choose the best option, depending on your expectations. You can also opt for fixed dentures, which are more stable and practically more durable. However, they are slightly more expensive. Still, they are worth every dollar.

Where Do I Start If I Want Dentures?

Dentures work for most people, but it is always wise to consult a dentist before concluding it will work for you. Your dentist will conduct a comprehensive exam, looking for factors that might make your treatment fail, and will deal with these problems before starting the treatment.

In most cases, you will be a perfect candidate for dentures. If you are not, your dentist will recommend an alternative.

How Much Do Dentures Cost?

Typically, the following factors will determine the cost of dentures:

  • The number of missing teeth
  • The dentist’s experience
  • The location of the dental clinic
  • Type of dentures of your choice
  • Whether insurance will chip in

Since dentures are a restorative procedure, most dental insurance tends to cover half the cost. However, confirm with your provider to be psychologically prepared when going to the dental clinic.

How Can I Whiten My Dentures?

Unfortunately, dentures do not react with whitening chemicals, so you cannot whiten them. Luckily, they are stain-resistant and rarely get stained. However, they will still get stained if you continuously take staining foods and use tobacco products.

To minimize staining:

  1. Clean your dentures at least twice daily to remove plaque bacteria.
  2. Use a denture brush; if you don’t have one, use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  3. Use denture soap or non-abrasive soap to clean your dentures from time to time.

Please don’t use your regular toothpaste because it is too abrasive.

Please do not bleach your dentures, thinking you will make them seem whiter. Yes, dilute bleach can disinfect and clean your dentures but only use it if your dentist gives you specific instructions. Additionally, always soak your dentures overnight and rinse them in the morning.

Can I Sleep With My Dentures?

Yes, there is no problem with sleeping with your removable dentures. However, dentists advise patients to remove their dentures at night and soak them to wear them in the morning. Removing your dentures gives your jawbone and gums time to relax from the pressure exerted by the dentures during the day.

Are Dentures Painful?

Pain is a huge word to use to describe the discomfort associated with dentures. Yes, you will experience some discomfort at the beginning of the treatment, and your mouth can develop sores, but that will not last long. Your mouth will get used to the treatment, and you will begin eating normally without any pain.

Your dentist will guide and help you overcome these discomforts associated with the treatment. FYI it takes some time to get used to any restorative procedure, so it is not a problem for only dentures.

What Are Dentures Made Of?

Typically, dentures are made of gum and tooth-colored material. In most cases, the tooth is made of acrylic. The base of partial dentures is mostly covered with plastic. Metal can also be used as a structural base.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

They are not designed to last forever but provide value for your money. Typically, a standard denture will last for five to eight years before it gives in to normal wear and tears. Luckily, the dentures can be repaired. Talk to your dentist, and he will advise you accordingly.

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